Early Years
Transition information for new starters
transition to primary school parents info.pdf
Teaching and Learning
The Nursery and Reception classes follow the curriculum as outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) document "Development Matters". This framework defines what is taught.
You can access the long-term learning plan and daily timetable for reception and nursery children from the links below:
We ensure there is a balance of adult led and child initiated activities across the day. Although much of the time is spent with children self-selecting tasks, the interaction between adult and child is essential as the adult's response to children builds understanding and therefore guides new learning. The adult's role is to continuously model, demonstrate and question what the child is doing. In some cases the adult will ask a child to come and complete a task or game with them; at other times they will participate in a child's game, extending it where possible. By the summer term, the children in reception will experience many more adult directed tasks as they prepare for their transition to year 1.
Baseline Testing
You can find information about the Baseline Testing of children starting reception classes in September 2021 from this link.
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