Kingsway Primary School

Kingsway Primary School

Mental Health Focus Days and Weeks

Kingsway's School Development Plan is referred to as CHAMPS: The "H" component of this plan stands for HEALTH with a specific focus on Mental Health. Whilst awareness of well-being is embedded in everyday school life at Kingsway, we also have days and weeks when we focus on specific aspects of mental health awareness.

Photo of children's art work celebrating difference

Mental Health Week 2022: "Growing Together"

During the 7th to the 11th February, the children from Nursery through to Year 6, took part in a variety of activities to raise awareness of mental health during Children's Mental Health Week. The theme this year was 'Growing Together'! The week was launched by the Place2Be virtual assembly which explained to the children what is meant by 'growing emotionally' and how we can find ways to help ourselves and others 'grow'. Following on from this, the children took part in discussions, circle times and creative activities looking at how they can 'grow' throughout the rest of the school year and beyond. A whole school display of growth trees can now be seen in one of our corridors. This is a great reminder for the children to keep going and developing, in the ways they want to, with the support of their family, teachers and peers. On Friday 11th February, the children celebrated and expressed themselves during our 'Dress to Express Day' which was a great finale to a fantastic week!

Mental Health Focus 2020-21

We celebrated Mental Health Day on 7th October 2020 by wearing something yellow. 

During the 16th - 20th November, the children at  Kingsway took part in Anti-Bullying Week! We launched the week, along hundreds of other schools, with "Odd Socks Day", to celebrate differences and to raise awareness of bullying. The children then went on to complete a variety of informative activities related to bullying. We had lots of fun and learnt lots about bullying, as well as how we should be treating each other everyday.

Children's Mental Health Week 2019-20

 Children's Mental Health Week took place 3rd to 7th February 2020. Each class chose a mental-health related issue and used their Design Technology skills to present their concept. The week culminated in an exhibition to celebrate everyone's work and raise awareness. Thank you to all those parents/carers who attended this event.

Galleries of our Mental Health Foci