mental health support for children
We promote the 5 ways to wellbeing within school and encourage the children to reflect on their own mental wellbeing regularly. As well as this, we teach the statutory mental health content through our PSHE curriculum and raise awareness on dedicated national mental health dates. We also support the children’s mental health and wellbeing on a day to day basis and seek support from parents/carers and further professionals, should we need to.
Looking after and supporting your own child’s mental health and wellbeing at home is also extremely important to their cognitive development. Below are links for support and information:
Videos Explaining Mental Health
The following videos are produced by the Anna Freud National Centre for Mental Health.
Appropriate for Children in Key Stage Two (years 3-6)
Appropriate for Children in Key Stage One (year 2 and under)
Websites With General Information
Please note that Kingsway Primary School is not responsible for the content of external websites. Please click on the logos below to access the websites.
How about trying Cosmic Kids Yogo....
Or trying some of the activities suggested by "Smiling Mind"
Daily meditation and mindfulness
Other Resources