Kingsway Primary School

Kingsway Primary School

Safeguarding Information for Parents

We have created pages within this section, which give parents and carers lots of safeguarding information on the following topics: (click on the subject to view the page content)

Safeguarding Newsletters



Railway and Water Safety

Child Exploitation and Grooming

Sexual Harassment in Schools

General school safeguarding information

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy


Pupil Safety Questionnaire Autumn 22/23

At the end of the Autumn Term we conducted a Pupil Safety Survey. Pupils overwhelmingly reported that they feel safe in school. The children know what to do if they have a worry in school.  They know how to report their concerns using the many mechanisms available in school. The children were also able to tell us what they would do if they had a worry outside of school. Please have a look at the following summary. If you have any questions, please speak to Mrs Ledger.