Kingsway Primary School

Kingsway Primary School

Phonics Resources Year One

Children in Year One learn a new phoneme (sound) in their phonics lessons every day. At Kingsway we are using Chatta to help your child learn these new phonemes. You can listen to chats together to embed learning undertaken in school or as part of home-learning during any absence from school. Click on the links below to access chats:

During the first half of the Spring Term 2022, children in year one have been learning Set Three sounds. You can access chats relating to Set Three Phonemes (sounds) from here.

Between February and April 2022 we will be re-visiting the following sounds:

  • Week 28th February: ea, a-e, ay, oi and oy
  • Week 7th March: u-e, aw, are, i-e, o-e
  • Week 14th March:  e-e, ie, ck, ur, er
  • Week 21st March:  kn, oa, ew, ow, ai
  • Week 28th March: au, ue, ure, wh, ire
  • Week 4th April:  ph

You can also access chats relating to

 You can find out more about how children learn to read at Kingsway from our curriculum pages. You can also access additional phonic resources from our "Phonic Resources" webpage.

Please speak with your child's teacher if you require any support in using these chats or would like some help in supporting your child in learning to read. 

Happy Chatting!