Kingsway Primary School

Kingsway Primary School

Religious Education (RE)


Our vision is to make RE relevant and inclusive. We will provide our children a wide range of experiences and instill knowledge from a variety of faiths and world views.  Our aim is to enable children to articulate clearly and coherently and to explain their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting the right of others to differ. We aim to build a sense of self, identity and belonging, which will help them flourish within their community and widen their experiences to thrive as contributing citizens in a diverse culture. Our RE curriculum will teach pupils to develop respect for others, no matter their faith, belief or perspective, challenging prejudice and encouraging empathy and compassion.

All children shall benefit – Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day.


We follow the Local Authority’s Agreed syllabus for Religion and Worldviews introduced in 2022

Through the implementation of the East Riding RE syllabus we aim to enable pupils to view the world through 3 different perspectives (lenses:

1.      Theological

2.      Social sciences

3.      Philosophical

This balanced delivery of RE will prepare our children for the challenges of life as a modern citizen. In our ever changing world, British Values and SMSC links heavily and allows children to develop their knowledge of the world around them. Through the successful delivery of RE we are able to challenge common misconceptions.  We aim to openly discuss opinions and beliefs in a democratic way which helps children to understand mutual respect and tolerance of others.

Our lessons encourage children to present their work in various ways and we strongly believe that effective learning takes place when there is considerable emphasis on active involvement, opportunities to talk both imaginatively, expressively and to explain and clarify thinking. 

An overview of coverage may be viewed in the documents listed below.

picture of children using Godly Play


 photo of children's writing about peace


Hinduism Focus Week Autumn 2021

During the Autumn Term, we held a whole school focus week on Hinduism. Please look at the galleries below to see examples of  the activities undertaken in reception (EYFS), year 2 and year 6.