Kingsway Primary School

Kingsway Primary School

SEND Resources

There are various resources which may be of use to families who have children with Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND). Please note that school is not responsible for the content of external websites.

General Resources


Visual support and guidance associated with Coronavirus.

The Sensory Project

The Sensory Projects website aim to help support you and your family at home with some very interesting, useful resources and activities aimed at understanding COVID 19 and how this is currently impacting on our everyday lives.  There are also many other stimulating and fun educational activities such as Sensory Activities, Social and Physical Activities, Literacy and Numeracy for you to take part in with your children.  


BBC Bitesize has  launched resources and support for children with special educational needs and disability (SEND). These resources may be accessed from here. You may also access Bitesize on your televisions by clicking on the red button.

SaPTS Team

The SaPTS Team (Sensory and Physical Teaching Service) at East Riding have  produced some ideas to support children in using their fine (small) and gross (large) motorskills. You can access their ideas from here.


ELSA stands for Emotional Literacy Support Assistant which may be used in schools to support children with their social skills, emotions, bereavement, anger management, self-esteem and friendships to give but a few examples.

The ELSA website is currently offering free resources which parents and carers may find useful. Please click on the link below to access this website. Please note school is not responsible for the content of external websites.

ELSA logo


East Riding Local Offer

Lots of information is available from the East Riding of Yorkshire website in relation to supporting children such as in relation to social. emotional well-being and mental health.

Click on the following link to find out about East Riding's "Look Ahead" Local Offer.

Talking About Covid-19

There are various resources to support you talking with your children about Coronavirus, such as this short book .

This leaflet uses a social story to  explain what Covid-19 is and how this may impact on our lives. It has been specifically written for children on the autistic spectrum.