At Kingsway Primary School we have robust systems in place to safeguard and protect the welfare of all children, staff and volunteers.
We have produced the leaflet below, which gives you an introduction to safeguarding and child protection within our school.
Click here to view our Safeguarding Leaflet
Who is responsible for Safeguarding?
Everyone is responsible for safeguarding - everybody has a part to play.
Below is a list of the key people with specific safeguarding responsibilities and details of how to contact them.
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mrs Lynsey Ledger |
Kingsway Primary School 01405 763716 |
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Headteacher |
Mrs Kristina Frary |
Kingsway Primary School 01405 763716 |
Child Protection and Safeguarding Governor | Mrs Emma Johnson |
Kingsway Primary School 01405 763716 |
Chair of Governors | Mr Nick Holmes |
Kingsway Primary School 01405 763716 |
Looked After Children Designated Teacher |
Mrs Louise Priday |
Kingsway Primary School 01405 763716 |
E safety Coordinator |
Annabelle Hollowell |
Kingsway Primary School 01405 763716 |
Safeguarding and Partnership Hub
Child Protection Initial Referral Support and Advice: Intensive and Specialist Safeguarding Support
1. Urgent CP Concerns 2. Consultation with a Social Worker
Mon to Thur 8.30am - 5.00pm Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm
Tel 01482 395500
Request for service forms to:
Children's Emergency Duty Team |
Urgent Child Protection concerns outside of office hours where a child is at risk of significant harm |
01482 393939 |
Early Help Locality Hub |
Early Help Additional Support for children and families initial consultation |
Consultation 01482 391700
Request for service from the Hub nearest to where the child lives:
Local East Riding Safeguarding Children Team | Goole Children's Safeguarding Team | 01482 396842 |
Local East Riding Safeguarding Children Team Manager |
Caroline Sykes
01482 396842
Education Safeguarding Manager (ERYC) |
Chris Hamling General strategic and operational school Safeguarding & Child Protection advice |
Tel 01482 396999
Lorraine Wilson Siobhan Bath
Referral of possible allegations against staff and volunteers |
Tel 01482 396999
School critical incident and educational visits emergencies (not Child Protection) | 24 hour guidance and support |
01482 392999 |
Humberside Police | East Riding Vulnerable People Unit |
01482-220809 |
Humberside Police | Hate Crime / Incident Reporting |
East Riding Safeguarding Children Partnership | General Strategic and operational Safeguarding & CP advice and multi agency training | (will become ERSCP) 01482-396994 |
East Riding Safeguarding Children Partnership Training | Training Admin and information |
Hull North Yorkshire North Lincs North East Lincs |
Children's Social Care |
01482-448879 EDT 01482 - 300304 01609-780780 EDT 01609-780780 01724-296500 EDT 01724-296500 01472-326292 EDT 01472 326292 |
Prevent Referral |
Humberside Police ERY LA |
101 |
What should you do if you are concerned about the safety and welfare of a child?
During school hours you can speak to the school's Designated Safeguarding Lead. Out of school hours, you could ring the Eastriding Safeguarding and Partnership Hub on 01482 393939 or 01482 395500. In the case of an emergency, ring 999.
Please remember, we ALL have a duty to safeguard children.
Safer Recruitment
Safer Recruitment training is provided by the East Riding Safeguarding Children's Board. At least one person on every interview panel has attended this training.
Safeguarding Training for Staff
All members of staff undergo safeguarding training at induction. This training is refreshed at least once annually. Additionally, all staff complete online Local Authority Safeguarding Training. Skills and knowledge are updated regularly via emails, staff meetings, briefings and newsletters.
Safeguarding Policy
Policies are reviewed regularly. Please click on the policies section to view a selection of our Safeguarding Policies.
Information Sharing
In order for us to safeguard your child effectively it is essential that we are provided with key information. including any medical, dietary and allergy needs. Also, we must hold a minimum of 2 emergency contact numbers. Any changes to your child's personal health and welfare circumstances, including contact details for parents/carers and any restrictions on contact with family members, must be reported to us immediately.
We may, in rare circumstances, need to make a Child Protection referral or seek advice from Children's Social Care, without the knowledge or consent of parents/carers.
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass is a national scheme. Police share information with schools when they have attended a domestic abuse incident. This enables schools to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.
Safeguarding Information for Parents and Carers
We have created additional pages that are packed full of safeguarding information and handy tips, for parents and carers. Click here to view the menu of information available.