Kingsway Primary School

Kingsway Primary School

School Governors


The Role of the Governing Board

The Governing Board has three core functions:

In order to fulfil these functions, Governors at Kingsway are linked to committees and areas of the curriculum. These roles enable us to monitor, evaluate and review the progress that is being made towards school improvement and ensure this is achieved within the constraints of the school’s budget. As a Board we are committed to both the challenge and support of school leaders as we all work towards ensuring our children receive the best possible education.

The Governing Body therefore represents one part of the school's overall leadership and management structure. Whilst the Board determines the school's strategic framework the head teacher is the moving force in leading the school and staff, managing the day-to-day activities of teaching, support and planning together with the background that goes along with it. The governing body is NOT involved in the day-to-day running of the school; this is the head teacher's job. However, the governing body is there to promote high standards and support the school in various ways.

Most public organisations, handling public money or delivering a service to the community have some means of being held to account. At Kingsway, the Headteacher accounts for the performance of the school to the governing board. In their turn, governors are accountable in various ways to parents, the LA (Local Authority), OFSTED and the DfE (Department for Education). The board represents many areas of the community and is an important public safeguard. The governing board is the final accountable body for the school.

Instrument of Government

Current Governors

 The current Chair of Governors is Mr Nick Holmes.



Date appointed

Term End

Delegated Roles

Pecuniary Interests

Hannah Daniel






Mrs Kristina Frary

Voting Headteacher



Voting Head


Mr Nick Holmes








Curriculum, EYFS, Educational Visits, STEM and Parental Engagement Governors

Governor at The Snaith School

Married to a member of staff


Staff Gov



Parent Gov





 Mrs Emma Johnson

Parent Gov 22/11/2022


 Safeguarding Governor 

Mr Malcolm Boatman


01/09/2003 (re-elected 02/06/21)


Health & Safety Governor

Vice Chair


Mrs Michelle Wigglesworth




 Training Link Governor

Member of Staff

Mr Chris Moore Co-Opted



 Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Governor


Mrs Lindsay Newton Co-Opted



 Pupil Premium Governor


Sports Premium Governor

Senior Governor Support Officer for the Local Authority Governor Support Service 


Governor at Wold Newton Primary School

Vacancy Co-Opted





Miss April Brooks Co-Opted





Ms Jane Cocliff Co-Opted



 SEND Governor



Governors who have left in the past 12 months:



Date appointed

Term End

Mrs Julie Challenger

Coopted Governor

February 2023

February 2024

Mr Danny Shaw

Parent Governor

September 2016

December 2024


Attendance Data for Full Governing Body Meetings 2023-24


3 Meetings



Mr Nick Holmes


Mrs Emma Johnson


Mr  Malcolm Boatman


Mrs Michelle Wigglesworth


Mr Daniel Shaw


Mrs Lyndsay Newton


Mrs Julie Challenger


Ms Jane Cocliff


Ms April Brooks



Attendance Data for Leadership & Management Committee 2023-24

Note December 2023 meeting was cancelled due to staff illness. Therefore only four meetings this year.


         4 Meetings

Mrs Lindsay Newton


Mr Nick Holmes


Mr Malcolm Boatman


Mr Daniel Shaw


Mrs Julie Challenger


Mrs Kristina Frary


Ms April Brooks



Attendance Data for Teaching & Learning Committee 2023-24


3 Meeting

Mr Nick Holmes

Mrs Michelle Wigglesworth 2/3
Mrs Emma Johnson 1/3
Mrs Julie Challenger 1/1
Ms Jane Cocliff 2/2
Mrs Kristina Frary 3/3


Committee Structure, Terms of Reference and Membership

Full Governing Body

Chair: Mr Nick Holmes

Vice-Chair: Mr Malcolm Boatman 

Clerk: Hannah Daniel


Mrs Kristina Frary                                          Voting Head

Mr Malcolm Boatman                                  LA Governor

Vacancy                                                           Staff Governor

Vacancy                                                           Parent Governor                                         

Mrs Michelle Wigglesworth                      Co-Opted Governor

Mrs Emma Johnson                                    Parent Governor

Mrs Lindsay Newton                                    Co-Opted Governor

Mr Chris Moore                                              Co-Opted Governor

Mr Nick Holmes                                             Co-Opted Governor

Miss April Brooks                                           Co-Opted Governor

Ms Jane Cocliff                                               Co-Opted Governor



Leadership and Management Committee

Chair: Mr Malcolm Boatman


Mrs Kristina Frary 

Mr Daniel Shaw

Mr Nick Holmes

Mrs Lindsay Newton

Miss April Brooks

Mr Chris Moore



Health & Safety: Malcolm Boatman


Teaching and Learning Committee

Chair: Ms Jane Cocliff


Mrs Kristina Frary 

Mrs Michelle Wigglesworth

Mr Nick Holmes

Mrs Emma Johnson

Miss April Brooks

Mr Chris Moore



SEND: Ms Jane Cocliff

PP: Mrs Lindsay Newton

SP:  Mrs Lindsay Newton


HT Performance Management Review Committee

Chair: Mr Nick Holmes


Miss April Brooks

Mr Malcolm Boatman  (Chair L&M)


Reviewer - TBC

Mr Brian Stillings (School Improvement Partner)


Appeals Committee

Three governors not involved in the original decision


Complaints/Discipline Committee

Three governors with no prior knowledge of the issue


Leadership and Management Committee


  • Headteacher, Chair of Governors, 50% other governors (who ideally do not sit on other committees), SBM in attendance;
  • Not chaired by Chair of Governors;
  • When pay or performance review of members of staff are being discussed then, with the exception of the Headteacher, governors who are members of staff may not be in attendance;
  • Quorum: 3.


Terms of Reference:

Staffing and Performance Management:

  • Providing recommendations to the governing body regarding the structure, numbers and roles for teaching and support staff, or any variations required;
  • Ensuring dedicated Leadership time is in place to maintain and develop the capacity;
  • Reviewing and approving the pay of staff employed by the school;
  • Ensuring there is a Performance Management policy linked to pay and continuous professional development policies;
  • Ensuring the performance of the teachers is reviewed on a regular basis and teacher’s objectives are recorded by 31 October each year;
  • Determining, in accordance with the school’s pay policy, the level of salary for new appointments;
  • Considering applications from staff for early retirement, extended leave of absence, flexible working or funding of additional qualifications (ad hoc requests for absence are delegated to the Headteacher);
  • Ensuring there is no discrimination against employees in relation to pay, conditions, opportunities, training or dismissals;
  • Ensuring the HT carries out duties in respect of appraising other teachers (standards, arrangements for classroom observations, delegation of PMR, effective and fair implementation of appraisal policy, use of appraisal to propose pay decisions).


  • Following the LA’s system of financial controls;
  • Completing and reviewing the Financial Competency Matrix annually (govs, SLT and relevant Admin staff);
  • Reviewing the School Fund Account, their designated external auditor and making recommendations to FGB for their approval;
  • Consideration of the initial budget and three-year plan and make recommendations to the Full Governing Body;
  • Ensuring sound management of the school’s financial situation and undertaking a detailed budget monitoring role on behalf of the FGB by:
  • Monitoring and evaluating the school’s financial performance against budget;
    • Considering in detail prospective budgets and finance plans;
    • Ensuring systems are in place to ensure Best Value;
    • Considering the School’s Financial Value Statement;
    • Ensuring consistency and adequate explanation of variance;
    • Reporting to FGB on budgetary performance and making recommendations when necessary;
    • Making expenditure/virement decisions up to the agreed limit (see financial delegation document);
    • Reviewing expenditure decisions made by the headteacher with regard to virements;
  • Preparing the draft Scheme of Financial Delegation on an annual basis and recommending it for approval to FGB;
  • Receiving the report of the local authority’s auditors and act upon any recommendations.
  • Approving the mid-year budget


  • Ensuring the School Development Plan is fully costed and provides a sound basis for long-term financial planning;
  • Evaluating the progress/impact of any relevant aims of the SDP as delegated by the FGB.

Pupil (and Staff) Well-Being:

  • Ensuring equal opportunities criteria are met, as required by legislation;
  • Ensuring Health and Safety Guidance is complied with in both school and on Educational Visits;
  • Responsibility for site management and safety;
  • Reviewing, monitoring and signing off, where necessary, risk assessments;
  • Ensuring First Aid provision/equipment is appropriate (including Paediatric First Aid);
  • Ensuring Site Security is sufficient;
  • Ensuring annual fire risk assessments are carried out and precautions are in place.

Community Use of Premises:

  • Making decisions on provision/entering of contracts to provide services/facilities of “charitable purpose” that will benefit pupils and the local community;
  • Ensuring any profits from “charitable purposes” are re-invested in the school.

School Premises:

  • Monitoring and evaluating the performance of the cleaning, grounds maintenance and catering services;
  • Determining the annual maintenance programme and regularly reviewing the need for structural repairs and maintenance.


Allocated Committee Roles:

  • Chair
  • Health & Safety (the committee may decide whether to appoint a link depending on skills and experience of members)


Delegated Policies/Documents:

Charging & Remissions

Data Protection

Health & Safety

Premises Management Documents

Critical Incidents

CPD for Staff

Policies related to Health & Safety

Accessibility Plan

Data Retention Policy – including protection/handling (in accordance with DPA)

Governors’ Allowances (schemes for paying)

Complaints Policy

Freedom of Information

Inventory (check)

Teacher Appraisal and Performance Management

Scheme of Financial Delegation (recommend to FGB for approval)

SFVS (recommend to FGB for approval)



Teaching and Learning Committee


  • Headteacher, Chair of Governors, 50% other governors (who ideally do not sit on other committees);
  • Not chaired by Chair of Governors;
  • Quorum: 3.


Terms of Reference:


  • Evaluating the progress/impact of any relevant aims of the SDP as delegated by the FGB;
  • Ensuring statutory duties relating to SEND are carried out;
  • Ensuring the SENDCo has sufficient time and resources to carry out their role effectively;
  • Ensuring the national curriculum, Early Years and Foundation Stage curriculum and their assessment procedures are carried out;
  • Monitoring and reviewing school performance and educational standards in all curriculum areas;
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of the school’s curriculum policies;
  • Considering and advising on any matter involving the curriculum referred to it by the governing body;
  • Reviewing school policies (as allocated by FGB) making recommendations to the governing body as necessary;
  • Monitoring the progress and attainment of all pupil groups, highlighting key issues to the full governing body, together with the impact and success of interventions used;
  • Evaluating the impact of SMSC Development and the teaching of British Values in school;
  • Advising the governing body on any local authority statement which names the school;
  • Evaluating personal development aspects of the school;
  • Ensuring the school has effective self-evaluation procedures and that these are used to advise governors on school performance and pupil progress;
  • Making recommendations for updating the School Development Plan and ensuring it is designed to deliver curriculum requirements in line with the school curriculum statement.



Allocated Committee Roles:

  • Chair
  • SEND Link (statutory)


Delegated Policies/Documents:

A Curriculum Statement

Sex & Relationship Education Policy

Assessment and Marking

Broader Curriculum

More Able/Gifted & Talented


British Values / SMSC






Educational Visits


Headteacher Performance Management Review Committee


  • Chair of Governors, Chair of Leadership & Management Committee, Chair of Teaching & Learning Committee;
  • Reviewer: another named governor;
  • Governors who are members of staff may not sit on this committee;
  • The annual review and setting of targets meeting (Autumn) is supported by the School Improvement Partner (SIP);
  • Quorum: 2


Terms of Reference:

With external support undertaking the HT’s appraisal over the past year and setting targets for the current year:

  • Appoint an external advisor with necessary skills, experience and objectivity
  • Inform HT of standards against which performance will be assessed
  • Set objectives (SMART targets)
  • Appraise performance against relevant teaching standards
  • If relevant make a recommendation on HT’s pay to the Leadership & Management Committee (use appraisal evidence)
  • Provide the HT with a written report on their appraisal including assessments and recommendations
    • Determine the appraisal period that applies for both the HT and other staff
  • Undertaking a mid-term review of the Headteacher’s performance against current targets (including a written report of the discussion).


Appeals Committee


  • Any three governors with no prior knowledge of the matter to be discussed;
  • Governors who are staff may not be members of the committee;
  • Quorum: 3


Terms of Reference:

  • To hear appeals against pay policy decisions;
  • To hear appeals against staff dismissal or redundancy decisions;
  • To hear appeals against disciplinary decisions;
  • To act as the grievance appeals panel;
  • To hear parental appeals against exemptions from the National Curriculum.

Complaints and Discipline Committee


  • Any three governors with no prior knowledge of the matter to be discussed;
  • Governors who are staff may not be members of the committee;
  • Quorum: 3

Terms of Reference:

  • To consider formal parental complaints in accordance with the School’s Complaint Policy;
  • To undertake statutory responsibilities in relation to reviewing exclusion decisions, and in cases where a pupil has been excluded by the Headteacher:
    • Permanently
    • For a fixed period totalling more than 15 school days within one school term;
    • For a fixed period totalling more than 5 school days within one school term only where parents have requested such a meeting
  • ·To determine staff disciplinary matters (depending on degree of delegation to the Headteacher)