School Governors
The Role of the Governing Board
The Governing Board has three core functions:
- With stakeholders determine the vision for the school;
- To hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school;
- To ensure financial probity and value for money.
In order to fulfil these functions, Governors at Kingsway are linked to committees and areas of the curriculum. These roles enable us to monitor, evaluate and review the progress that is being made towards school improvement and ensure this is achieved within the constraints of the school’s budget. As a Board we are committed to both the challenge and support of school leaders as we all work towards ensuring our children receive the best possible education.
The Governing Body therefore represents one part of the school's overall leadership and management structure. Whilst the Board determines the school's strategic framework the head teacher is the moving force in leading the school and staff, managing the day-to-day activities of teaching, support and planning together with the background that goes along with it. The governing body is NOT involved in the day-to-day running of the school; this is the head teacher's job. However, the governing body is there to promote high standards and support the school in various ways.
Most public organisations, handling public money or delivering a service to the community have some means of being held to account. At Kingsway, the Headteacher accounts for the performance of the school to the governing board. In their turn, governors are accountable in various ways to parents, the LA (Local Authority), OFSTED and the DfE (Department for Education). The board represents many areas of the community and is an important public safeguard. The governing board is the final accountable body for the school.
Current Governors
The current Chair of Governors is Mr Nick Holmes.
Name |
Category |
Date appointed |
Term End |
Delegated Roles |
Pecuniary Interests |
Hannah Daniel |
Clerk |
Mrs Kristina Frary |
Voting Headteacher |
Voting Head |
Mr Nick Holmes
Co-Opted |
07/12/2023 |
06/12/2027 |
EYFS, STEM, Educational Visits, Careers, Parental Engagement, Literacy |
Governor at The Snaith School Married to a member of staff |
Vacancy |
Staff Gov |
Mr Daniel Shaw |
Parent Gov |
14/09/2016 (re-elected 13/06/21) |
13/06/2025 |
Co Vice Chair |
Mrs Emma Johnson |
Parent Gov | 22/11/2022 |
21/11/2026 |
Safeguarding Governor |
Mr Malcolm Boatman |
Authority |
01/09/2003 (re-elected 02/06/21) |
03/06/2025 |
Health & Safety Governor Co Vice Chair |
Mrs Michelle Wigglesworth |
Co-Opted |
04/10/2018 |
03/10/2026 |
Training Link Governor |
Member of Staff |
Vacancy | Co-Opted |
Mrs Lindsay Newton | Co-Opted |
07/10/2021 |
06/10/2025 |
Pupil Premium Governor
Sports Premium Governor |
Senior Governor Support Officer for the Local Authority Governor Support Service
Governor at Wold Newton Primary School |
Vacancy | Co-Opted |
Miss April Brooks | Co-Opted |
26/09/2023 |
25/09/2027 |
Ms Jane Cocliff | Co-Opted |
26/09/2023 |
25/09/2027 |
SEND Governor |
Governors who have left in the past 12 months:
Name |
Category |
Date appointed |
Term End |
Miss Saiyme Gultekin |
Coopted Governor |
December 2021 |
March 2023 |
Rev Philip Macdonald |
Coopted Governor |
March 2021 |
May 2023 |
Mrs Julie Challenger |
Coopted Governor |
February 2023 |
February 2024 |
Attendance Data for Full Governing Body Meetings 2022-23
Governor |
3 Meetings |
Headteacher |
3/3 |
Mr Nick Holmes |
3/3 |
Mrs Emma Johnson |
1/2 |
Mr Malcolm Boatman |
2/3 |
Mrs Michelle Wigglesworth |
3/3 |
Mr Daniel Shaw |
1/3 |
Rev Philip MacDonald |
2/2 |
Mrs Lyndsay Newton |
3/3 |
Miss Saiyme Gultekins |
0/2 |
Mrs Julie Challenger |
2/2 |
Attendance Data for Leadership & Management Committee 2022-23
Governor |
5 Meetings |
Mrs Lindsay Newton |
4/5 |
Mr Nick Holmes |
5/5 |
Mr Malcolm Boatman |
4/5 |
Mr Daniel Shaw |
3/5 |
Mrs Julie Challenger |
2/2 |
Mrs Kristina Frary |
5/5 |
Attendance Data for Teaching & Learning Committee 2022-23
Note January 2023 meeting was cancelled as coincided with OFSTED inspection.
Governor |
1 Meeting |
Mr Nick Holmes |
1/1 |
Mrs Michelle Wigglesworth | 1/1 |
Miss Saiyme Gultekins | 0/1 |
Mr Malcolm Boatman | 0/1 |
Rev Philip MacDonald | 1/1 |
Committee Structure, Terms of Reference and Membership
Full Governing Body Chair: Mr Nick Holmes Co Vice-Chairs: Mr Malcolm Boatman and Mr Daniel Shaw Clerk: Hannah Daniel
Mrs Kristina Frary Voting Head Mr Malcolm Boatman LA Governor Vacancy Staff Governor Mr Daniel Shaw Parent Governor Mrs Michelle Wigglesworth Co-Opted Governor Mrs Emma Johnson Parent Governor Mrs Lindsay Newton Co-Opted Governor Vacancy Co-Opted Governor Mr Nick Holmes Co-Opted Governor Miss April Brooks Co-Opted Governor Ms Jane Cocliff Co-Opted Governor |
Leadership and Management Committee Chair: Mr Malcolm Boatman
Mrs Kristina Frary Mr Daniel Shaw Mr Nick Holmes Mrs Lindsay Newton Miss April Brooks
Links: Health & Safety: Malcolm Boatman |
Teaching and Learning Committee Chair: Vacancy
Mrs Kristina Frary Mrs Michelle Wigglesworth Mr Nick Holmes Mrs Emma Johnson Ms Jane Cocliff
Links: SEND: Mr Nick Holmes PP: Mrs Lindsay Newton SP: Mrs Lindsay Newton |
HT Performance Management Review Committee Chair: Mr Nick Holmes
Mrs Lindsay Newton Mr Malcolm Boatman (Chair L&M)
Reviewer - TBC Mr Brian Stillings (School Improvement Partner) |
Appeals Committee Three governors not involved in the original decision |
Complaints/Discipline Committee Three governors with no prior knowledge of the issue |
Leadership and Management Committee
Membership |
Terms of Reference: |
Staffing and Performance Management:
Pupil (and Staff) Well-Being:
Community Use of Premises:
School Premises:
Allocated Committee Roles: |
Delegated Policies/Documents: |
Charging & Remissions |
Data Protection |
Health & Safety |
Premises Management Documents |
Critical Incidents |
CPD for Staff |
Policies related to Health & Safety |
Accessibility Plan |
Data Retention Policy – including protection/handling (in accordance with DPA) |
Governors’ Allowances (schemes for paying) |
Complaints Policy |
Freedom of Information |
Inventory (check) |
Teacher Appraisal and Performance Management |
Scheme of Financial Delegation (recommend to FGB for approval) |
SFVS (recommend to FGB for approval) |
Teaching and Learning Committee
Membership: |
Terms of Reference: |
Allocated Committee Roles: |
Delegated Policies/Documents: |
A Curriculum Statement |
Sex & Relationship Education Policy |
Assessment and Marking |
Broader Curriculum |
More Able/Gifted & Talented |
British Values / SMSC |
Homework |
Maths |
English |
Science |
RE |
Educational Visits |
Headteacher Performance Management Review Committee
Membership: |
Terms of Reference: |
With external support undertaking the HT’s appraisal over the past year and setting targets for the current year:
Appeals Committee
Membership: |
Terms of Reference: |
Complaints and Discipline Committee
Membership: |
Terms of Reference: |