Year 1
Home-learning for children in Year 1 is listed in the documents below:
y1 autumn term curriculum letter 24 25.pdf
Please send screenshots of the work your child has completed to the year 1 staff for marking and feedback using the address:
Staff will also be able to answer any queries you may have about the activities set.
We are also publishing weekly phonics chats. Access these using the sub-menu.
General Activities
Here are some suggestions for activities to undertake at home:
- Record different sounds and ask others to guess what they are
- Make some biscuits
- Make a puppet
- Put on a shadow puppet show
- Create a piece of art
- Look up at the stars on a clear night
- Perform a dance
- Go on a hunt for small insects and creatures
- Make a home for small insects and creatures
- Create a collage
- Create a comic strip
- Build a den
- Perform in front of your family e.g. song, dance, poem